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List of figures


Figure 1: CIW Index for Wellbeing  Michalos, A.C., Smale, B., Labonté, R., Muharjarine, N., Scott, K., Moore, K., Swystun, L., Holden, B., Bernardin, H., Dunning, B., Graham, P., Guhn, M., Gadermann, A.M., Zumbo, B.D., Morgan, A., Brooker, A.-S., & Hyman, I. (2011). The Canadian Index of Wellbeing. Technical Report 1.0. Waterloo, ON: Canadian Index of Wellbeing and University of Waterloo.


Figure 2: OECD Factors for Well-Being  “Four Key Qualities of a Successful Place - Placemaking Chicago.” Accessed November 4, 2020.

Landing Page:

Figure 3: Irvine, Nicholas. "Benches and Belongings." Photography. 2020

Figure 4: Irvine, Nicholas. "Splash Pad." Photography. 2020

Figure 5: Irvine, Nicholas. "Looking East." Photography. 2020

Figure 6: Irvine, Nicholas. "Looking West." Photography. 2020

Figure 7: Irvine, Nicholas. "Looking South." Photography. 2020

Figure 8: Irvine, Nicholas. "North." Photography. 2020

Figure 9: Lane, Harrison. "Benches?." Photography. 2020

Figure 10: Lane, Harrison. "Material Detail." Photography. 2020

Figure 11: Lane, Harrison. "Square Entrance." Photography. 2020

Figure 12: Lane, Harrison. "Belongings" Photography. 2020

Figure 13: Lane, Harrison. "Square Entrance 2." Photography. 2020

Public Spaces:

Figure 14: Brett Walter. "Memorial Park." Map. 2020

Figure 15: Brett Walter. "Memorial Park Map." Map. 2020

Figure 16: Brett Walter. "Tom Davies Square." Map. 2020


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“Four Key Qualities of a Successful Place - Placemaking Chicago.” Accessed November 4, 2020.


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“Measuring Well-Being and Progress: Well-Being Research - OECD.” Accessed November 4, 2020.


Michalos, A.C., Smale, B., Labonté, R., Muharjarine, N., Scott, K., Moore, K., Swystun, L., Holden, B., Bernardin, H., Dunning, B., Graham, P., Guhn, M.,


Gadermann, A.M., Zumbo, B.D., Morgan, A., Brooker, A.-S., & Hyman, I. (2011). The Canadian Index of Wellbeing. Technical Report 1.0. Waterloo, ON: Canadian Index of Wellbeing and University of Waterloo.


Pearson, Thomas A., Terry L. Bazzarre, Stephen R. Daniels, Joan M. Fair, Stephen P. Fortmann, Barry A. Franklin, Larry B. Goldstein, Yuling Hong,


George A. Mensah, and James F. Sallis Jr. “American Heart Association Guide for Improving Cardiovascular Health at the Community Level: A Statement for Public Health Practitioners, Healthcare Providers, and Health Policy Makers from the American Heart Association Expert Panel on Population and Prevention Science.” Circulation 107, no. 4 (2003): 645–51.


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“What Makes a Successful Place?” Accessed November 4, 2020.

© 2020 by Brett Walter, Nicholas Irvine, and Harrison Lane for ARCH4016 Cultural Sustainability, McEwen School of Architecture.

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